Boxing and Hearing Loss

Boxing is not the only sport where a trauma or sudden blow to the head can cause a form of hearing loss – however we are getting more and more ex boxers coming to us with hearing related issues from the sport they love.

These include damage to the cochlear, ruptured or perforated ear drum, fractured bones within the ear and swelling and bleeding. These can range from the relatively mild through to the more serious but all of them have resulted in some form of hearing loss.

A heavy blow or blunt edge trauma can cause tissues within the ear to swell which leads to a build up of fluids and an increase in air pressure. This results in pain, discomfort and impaired hearing. There is also the risk of tinnitus developing although this is usually a short-lived condition, however can become a distressing side affect.

Contact sports such as boxing can cause ear injuries such as cauliflower ear and bruising and swelling in general. But you can prevent this from happening by wearing a head guard. Motor sports are another potential cause of head and ear injuries although a well fitting helmet can help reduce the risk of that happening.

But any activity which involves physical contact or travel at fast speeds is risky and injuries do occur so it’s wise to take precautions where you can.

You can help to protect your ears by wearing a head guard, and regular visits to see an Audiologist to basically keep an eye on the health of your ears.  We have the experience and knowledge to care for your ears, so you can carry on enjoying the sport you love!