Hearing aids for adults

At RG Hearing our qualified audiologist, Richard Gale, has over 15 years’ experience in fitting hearing aids and delivering specialist hearing care. Using his skills and training, he can help you find the hearing aid that best suits your needs.

about rghearing

The first meeting

Hearing loss can occur for any number of reasons, and the hearing aid that you might need will depend on many factors. Our first meeting will include a hearing test and thorough exploration of the issues that you might be facing.

Because there’s no waiting list, you can see our qualified audiologist at a time that suits you. We’ll talk you through every step of the process, including how a hearing aid works and the best way to select, operate, and care for one.

Choosing the right hearing aid

The hearing aid you need will differ depending on the lifestyle you lead. We will take factors like your job, sporting activity, family life and anything else that’s relevant into account, so that we can find the device that’s right for you.

Your hearing aid will not only have to meet the needs of your hearing impairment but also be the most comfortable option for you, whether that’s an in-ear, on-ear or behind-the-hear solution. It’s also possible now for hearings aids to connect with technology like mobile devices, tablets and TVs, giving you even more freedom.

Support every step of the way

With unlimited visits to our clinic for the life of the warranty, we’ll be here to give you help, guidance and advice so that you can get used to your new hearing aid and take proper care of it.

Offering consistent aftercare from one point of contact, our expert audiologist will be on hand to answer any of your questions, allowing you to get on with life without having to worry about your hearing aid.